Knowledge is Power.

2 min read

Benefits Expense is a Top 3 Line Item; Smart Manufacturers Manage the Healthcare Supply Chain

As a manufacturer, you likely have a procurement strategy for your raw material, overseen by a sourcing or supply chain manager who ensures efficient and effective use of that material, with the goal of increasing or at a minimum maintaining your...

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2 min read

The Rise of Healthcare Costs in Manufacturing: It’s Not IF You’re Losing Money, It’s How Much

Here’s a hard truth for most manufacturing firms. You’re not managing the supply chain when it comes to your employees’ benefits, which means you’re...

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2 min read

How The Wrong Employee Benefit Strategy Could Cost Manufacturers 6x in a Merger or Acquisition

As the CFO of a manufacturing firm, we don’t have to tell you that companies are buying and selling their businesses based on a multiple of EBITDA,...

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2 min read

Manufacturers: Manage Your Healthcare Supply Chain As Any Other Supply Chain

Does it make sense to have a non-P&L manager in charge of a top-three business expense at your manufacturing firm? Most CFOs would say, “Of course...

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2 min read

Smart Manufacturers Are Changing Their Healthcare Purchasing Philosophy

When it comes to improving the performance of your manufacturing firm’s health plan, it’s not what you buy, but rather how you buy it. Are you...

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